María Lourdes Alonso

"Calpurnia's Dream" is in fact, a long, long letter that Caesar's widow writes to her late husband, showing all her pain, scarce self-confidence and passionate love for him. But, simultaneously, she also reveals us a unique account of Julius Caear's Rome through her eyes, in which shamanism , historical perspective and a profound analysis of female psychology are combined. Calpurnia Caesaris, like King Arthur's Queen in "Gades y Camelot", is a highly charismatic man's sensuous wife who is still madly in love with her lord and has to face the risk of being repudiated due to her barrenness. She desperately seeks for a way of her own that might enable her to survive her crisis. Her turning point comes through a wise man and a Celtic priestess who initiate her into some kind of unusual healing which was reserved to high-ranked ladies in the past. This story also offers us the chance to see historical characters from an unknown perspective, such as that deep genuine friendship the heroine shares with Marcus Portius Cato's daughter and wife and , on the other hand , with Sulla's daughter. Caesar is an ageing though still magnetic man, torn between bitter irony and ambition

"Las mujeres de Wagner":
A.Reverter in "Ars canendi" (Radio Clásica) (5/5/2013)."Interesante y enjundioso trabajo.Felicitamos a María L.Alonso "
. C. De Matesanz in "Viaje a Ítaca" (Radio Clásica) (25/4/2013"Ensayo claro y completo que recomendamos"
"La autora realiza una interesante incursión en el mundo de la magia celta según fue versionada por G.A.Bécquer, Oscar Wilde y ha sido posteriormente recogida por la moderna literatura artúrica(...)La importancia del mundo feérico en la poesía becqueriana, la presencia del arquetipo de la triple diosa en el excesivo y romántico Oscar Wilde y el papel de la doncella cazadora y la diosa madre, las sacerdotisas de Avalon y el reino de las hadas son algunos temas en los que Lourdes Alonso, pertrechada de una excelente cultura literaria y mitológica se detiene y cuya lectura recomendamos" (Critica de "La magia celta según G.A.Bécquer, Oscar Wilde y la novela artúrica contemporánea" en MAS ALLA DE LA CIENCIA,nº129:November,1999).